Pulling up the nets
- Description:
- Along with the target fish, the nets also end up with bycatch. Jellyfish are a common bycatch and are removed from the nets immediately because they have a poisonous sting.
- Location:
- Khar West
- Date_accepted:
- 2024-06-12T13:54:18Z
- Modified:
- 2024-06-13T08:13:06Z
- Type:
- Image
- Creator:
- Mumbai Archive Project Team
- Contributor:
- Ankita Jain
- Publisher:
- Jio Institute
- Rights:
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- References:
- Koli Community, Tasari, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Koli, Koliwada, Khar Danda, Mumbai Archive Project, Kathli, Gillnets, Cast Nets, and Trawl Nets
- Thumbnail:
- https://repository.jioinstitute.edu.in/downloads/5c7f8162-877a-4122-8bdc-ccc87f7618be?file=thumbnail