Nets hauled at the shore
- Description:
- Upon returning, the nets are hauled to shore. Smaller fish are removed easily. However, larger fish tend to struggle and need to be disentangled carefully to prevent damage to the nets.
- Location:
- Khar West
- Date_accepted:
- 2024-06-12T13:53:10Z
- Modified:
- 2024-06-13T08:18:35Z
- Type:
- Image
- Creator:
- Mumbai Archive Project Team
- Contributor:
- Ankita Jain
- Publisher:
- Jio Institute
- Rights:
- References:
- Koli, Trawl Nets, Mumbai, Mumbai Archive Project, Gillnets, Cast Nets, Kathli, Khar Danda, Tasari, Koli Community, Maharashtra, and Koliwada
- Thumbnail: